Angular 13
Course Number: ANG-170
Duration: 3 days (19.5 hours)
Format: Live, hands-on
Angular Training Overview
Angular allows developers to easily build dynamic, responsive single-page web applications that dynamically rewrite portions of the current page rather than having to generate a new page in response to every request. Accelebrate’s Introduction to Angular training teaches attendees how to build applications using ES6, TypeScript, and modern front-end tools, including npm and Webpack.
Note: This course is taught in the current version of Angular at the time of teaching.
Note: This course is taught in the current version of Angular at the time of teaching.
Location and Pricing
Accelebrate offers instructor-led enterprise training for groups of 3 or more online or at your site. Most Accelebrate classes can be flexibly scheduled for your group, including delivery in half-day segments across a week or set of weeks. To receive a customized proposal and price quote for private corporate training on-site or online, please contact us.
In addition, some Web Development courses are available as live, online classes for individuals.
In addition, some Web Development courses are available as live, online classes for individuals.
- Understand how single-page web application architectures are different than traditional web application architectures
- Use new JavaScript (ES6) language features including Classes, Modules, and Arrow Functions
- Use new TypeScript language features including Types, Decorators, Interfaces, and Generics
- Configure the router and navigate between components
- Learn Angular coding and architecture best practices including project layout and using container and presentation components
- Understand and use Angular model-driven forms, observables, dependency injection, and routing
- Communicate with a backend server using Angular’s HttpClient to load and save data
Students must have object-oriented programming experience. Some experience with JavaScript is helpful; the new language features of JavaScript and TypeScript are covered/reviewed in class.
- TypeScript Installation, Configuration & Compilation
- Type Annotations
- Classes
- Scoping using let, var, and const Keywords
- Arrow Functions
- ES Modules
- Decorators
- Template Literals
- Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters
- Destructuring
- Benefits of Building using Angular
- Understanding Angular Versions
- Single-page Web Application Architectures vs. Traditional Server-side Web Application Architectures
- Angular Style Guide
- Angular Architecture
- Angular Compared to Other JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks (React, VueJS, etc…)
- Your First Angular Application
- Understanding Components
- Component Properties & Methods
- Templates: Inline, Multi-line, and External with Component-relative Paths
- Angular Modules vs. ES Modules
- Organizing your code into Feature Modules
- Interpolation
- Property binding
- Event binding
- Two-way data binding
- Structural: ngFor, ngIf, ngSwitch
- Attribute: ngClass, ngStyle
- Built-in Pipes: Using, Passing Parameters, Chaining
- Component Communication using @Input, @Output
- Component Architecture
- Component Styles
- Component Lifecycle Hooks
- Evaluating UI Component Frameworks & Libraries
- Using a service to access data
- Using a service to encapsulate business logic
- Understanding the scope of services
- Understanding Dependency Injection
- Angular’s Dependency Injection System
- Registering
- Injecting
- Importing the ReactiveFormsModule
- FormControl, FormGroup, and AbstractControl
- Binding DOM Elements to FormGroups and FormControls
- Validation Rules, Messages, and Styles
- Refactoring Reactive Forms for Reuse
- Custom Validators
- Deciding between Promises or Observables (RxJS)
- Making an HTTP GET Request
- Sending data to the server using Http POST and PUT Requests
- Issuing an HTTP DELETE Request
- Intercepting Requests and Responses
- Importing the RouterModule
- Configuring Routes
- Displaying Components using a RouterOutlet
- Navigating declaratively with RouterLink
- Navigating with code using the Router
- Accessing parameters using ActivatedRoute
- Building an application using the Angular CLI
- Differential loading: creating a modern build (ES2015) and a legacy build (ES5)
- Deploying to a web server
- 2.x and above
- Update Guide
- Deprecation Guide
- Patching Dependencies: npm audit fix
- Looking for AngularJS to Angular upgrades? See our Advanced and Comprehensive Angular courses.
Training Materials
All Angular training attendees receive comprehensive courseware.
Software Requirements
- Google Chrome
- Other modern browsers as desired
- IDE/development environment of your choice
- Other free software and lab files that Accelebrate would specify